Monday, December 29, 2008
It's in the ears
The only thing I'm really sure about in comparing Dylan to his Mom is the ears..........they are definately hers! The eyes are similar too but it's just to early to tell yet. He can't go wrong with either parents eyes though as they both have great eyes! I think he's going to be a great combination of both of them.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
One year when I was home for my father's heart attack/bypass I was feeling bad that I wouldn't be there for Xmas and told my Dad so when I visited him in the hospital. It was just he and I there at the time. He told me "Mary, you must start your own traditions" and
then further he said "we aren't going to always be here". He was right. So from then on we four Wild's made it our tradition to fondue on Xmas eve. Shrimp, scallops and filet. It was a good way to have the kids stay at the table for longer than 5 minutes and it was quite the novelty for them as well. We still do it to this day and enjoy the company we happen to have at any given Xmas. The first Xmas Lindsay and Dave had their own home Dave gave Lin a fondue set. I hope when they can they continue this with their own children as well and Matt too when his time comes. Traditions.............they are a good thing!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Snow for Christmas
These are for Lindsay.........daughter of my heart. She actually misses the snow so here are a few shots from my morning walk showing you just how much we've been getting lately. More due in today as well. It will definately be a white Christmas in Michigan this year.
Can't wait for a few years when Dylan comes here for the holidays. We will introduce him to sledding! We may even get him some snow shoes to trek around the golf course on.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas Picture
Every year my folks would have the 4 of us stand in front of the fireplace for
our Christmas picture. This summer while I was home in Escanaba visiting my
brothers we took our usual positions. We are as you can see a bit older. Thanks Al for another good picture.
I reflect on family at Christmas as do we all. It is the greatest gift after all. I wouldn't trade going through my life with these 3 for anything. They've made it a joy. Jim for his calm nature and sage advice throughout my life, Rich for true ability to be a friend not just to me but to nearly all he meets, Randy for the gift of laughter he's brought to all of us. Next to my husband and own 2 children, these 3 finish the circle of my heart. Merry Christmas Jim, Richard, and Randy..........I love you!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Aaron James
This is my grandnephew Aaron. I just love this picture of him taken by ?
He spent a month or two as my wallpaper I loved it so much. Isn't he a doll?
While he is your typical boy in most ways he is also a gentle loving little guy with
the biggest blue eyes you ever saw. I hate that I don't get to see him much and
when I do it takes awhile for him to warm up to me again.
Anyway, wanted to post him on my blog to show him that I think about him!
Also wanted to introduce him to my "followers" cause he is a doll!
He spent a month or two as my wallpaper I loved it so much. Isn't he a doll?
While he is your typical boy in most ways he is also a gentle loving little guy with
the biggest blue eyes you ever saw. I hate that I don't get to see him much and
when I do it takes awhile for him to warm up to me again.
Anyway, wanted to post him on my blog to show him that I think about him!
Also wanted to introduce him to my "followers" cause he is a doll!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Gramma Heffron
Now this is a woman from way way back that I can admire............sitting precariously on a fence with her arms way out!
I only knew her in her latter years but I like her spunk and loved her dearly as "gramma Heffron" in her later years..........such a dear!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
5032 Steps
I must truly be a Michigander if I find that each and every season is "worth it".
Lindsay says living in New Jersery she doesn't see enough snow and finds at times she
wishes they got more. Growing up I spent more time outside in the winter than inside.
I lived in ice skates and only came in to thaw my nose. Even when retirement finally comes
I will still spend atleast part of the winter months right here. Yes, there are the negative like
driving in it but the postives outweigh them. As I recently told Mary Wild Hansen, there is a
certain "quiet" that winter brings in it's snowy insulation that I truly love.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Coming back from Philly on Saturday my flight was late due to the above taking up "air space". Seems Bush was in town to watch the Army/Navy game so the rest of us peons had to give him a wide berth. Took this from the plane window taxiing out for takeoff. Lindsay tells me they even closed the expressway 5 minutes after we went through so he could have a wide berth from the airport to the field. Luckily we made it on time or I'd have missed my flight. Ironically Mark had a similar incident enroute home but due to Obama being in Philly for the governor's convention.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
xmas door
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Clean Dylan
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Mornin Dylan
One more day with my grandson. I sure will miss seeing him each and everyday. In just 3 weeks I've seen him grow before my eyes and become more aware of his surroundings. He studies everything and listens to you so intently. My hope is he'll remember my voice from "somewhere" when I next see him in person. Glad that we now have the webcams up and running so we can see him often kinda in real time. Tomorrow is my last day. I'll be glad to be back home but sad to say goodbye to Dylan.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Dylan is starting to enjoy a little time in his rocking/vibrating seat which has a little bird perched on the arm. His vision is limited but he seems to see movement and light etc. He also enjoys just kicking his legs and chewing on his hands and generally observing his limited "world". Wish I could be around to see his everyday developements. We went out and got web cams for here and home so we can "see" him live time to time. Mark leaves tomorrow and I'll follow in a few days. The time has flown by for both of us. We'll miss this little peanut!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Turkey Tale
Friday, November 28, 2008
Morning chillin'
After a good session of "mom's milk" Dylan is in a happy and satisfied mood. Limbs get loosened up and the eyes try to focus on something interesting. But all and all just a nice happy moment for our little guy!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
First Language Lessons
Yesterday Dylan had his first language lessons. During an alert time in my arms of about 45 minutes he just watched me talk to him so intently it almost made my heart expand. He just studied my face and listened so hard it made you almost feel like he understood just what you were saying and you could tell he was intent on learning from this experience. For me it was delightful!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Dylan Fix
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Chillin Waiting for news
Welcome to Dylan's new cousin Brooke Elizabeth Wild
Monday, November 17, 2008
United Bank baby
Sunday, November 16, 2008
It An Amazing Thing!
Truly! I've never seen a newborn baby drink from a cup before my grandson. These early first days before the milk actually "comes in" Lin must give Dylan a half oz of formula and has learned to do this with a very small (like a nyquil cap) cup. He instinctively sticks his little tongue out and laps at it and gets it while she holds him in an upright position. Quite amazing! New tricks for this nana!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I'm finally here and able to hold this absolutely wonderful bundle of joy! He is perfect in every way. Ann and I are both trying to get our "fill" this afternoon, our first w/Dylan. Dark hair and a wonderful disposition. He's stretching and frailing his way through sleep. Funny thing, he doesn't even flinch when Brady (the dog) barks so we figure he's used to him from the "womb" and finds it no big deal. Love, love, love him already!
Thursday, November 13, 2008

This is Dylan. Isn't he beautiful! They tell me he has very dark hair and blue eyes (don't we all at birth though?) . I just knew I would fall in love at first sight but what surprised me was I fell in love at first hear. On the phone from the delivery room I heard his cry and loved him instantly. More pics to come!
Our very first and very special grandson has arrived.
At 2:42 PM this afternoon our joy was complete! Weighing 7 lb 12 oz - Dylan James Kohler entered this world and I could hear his crying in the delivery room in the background and wanted to start
crying myself. Lindsay did great and had 2 hrs of pushing but did it naturally. What a wonderful day for this Wild (and Kohler) family.
Your turn Heather!
At 2:42 PM this afternoon our joy was complete! Weighing 7 lb 12 oz - Dylan James Kohler entered this world and I could hear his crying in the delivery room in the background and wanted to start
crying myself. Lindsay did great and had 2 hrs of pushing but did it naturally. What a wonderful day for this Wild (and Kohler) family.
Your turn Heather!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
And Baby Makes 3
It's Wednesday nite at 9:30 pm and our daughter Lindsay has checked in to the hospital and is due to be induced. We are expecting our grandson sometime on the 13th (lucky 13). We will keep you posted!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Lindsay - 6 weeks
In just a few days (maybe even tomorrow) Lindsay will be having a baby of her own. This is her on the day she was baptized so you can compare the first pics you see from me of her little guy!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Spagetti like Mom's
These days not many people make their own spagetti sauce from scratch. And even fewer ,in my estimation, can come close to my dear Mom's. Well folks friend Jane's can as Mark will attest to as well (he's had both too). Instead of Jane holding a toast out for a pic .....I toast her here and now for making a sauce so like the best cook I've ever known made.....Mom's. Here's to you Jane!
Now if I could just get her receipe......................
Friday, November 7, 2008
Rock Rug
Have you ever wondered what to do with the rocks you pick up
at the beach? Ok, so you don't pick them up. Some of us (and you
know who you are) do and they've been collecting over the years.
After seeing one of these in a few resort town shops for like $60
my friend Paula and I decided to do one ourselves.
Here's mine and I'm sure Paula's will be done soon! I love it and it'll go
outside next spring on our patio golfside. Mark can scrape his dirt off
really well w/this rug.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
What's in a name?
Have you ever noticed people grow "into" the name they are given 96% of the time?
So do couples choose based on that or on what is currently in and popular?
I can't imagine my brothers being any other name. While I don't dislike my name I've often wished it were something else way cooler or atleast more distinctive. Atleast my middle name is different and I guess that's good.
Can you imagine Elvis with any other first name? How about Liberace? And you have to admit Albert Einstein quite fit him didn't it? On the other hand Inspektor Pilot or Moonunit might find themselves in that other 4%.
So do couples choose based on that or on what is currently in and popular?
I can't imagine my brothers being any other name. While I don't dislike my name I've often wished it were something else way cooler or atleast more distinctive. Atleast my middle name is different and I guess that's good.
Can you imagine Elvis with any other first name? How about Liberace? And you have to admit Albert Einstein quite fit him didn't it? On the other hand Inspektor Pilot or Moonunit might find themselves in that other 4%.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Hi.... welcome to my "world". It's 13 days and counting to "grandparenthood" for us.
It's almost as exciting as parenthood but without the everyday worries. We can't wait!
I expect to fall instantly in love and that he will become the most important person in the world to us. Everyone tells me you can't imagine how wonderful it is and that I will just have to "experience" it to know. Kinda like I've been telling my daughter about parenthood. It is hard to really tell someone how it changes you and you really do have to experience it! I'll be sleeping w/the phone next to my side of the bed for the next few weeks.
It's almost as exciting as parenthood but without the everyday worries. We can't wait!
I expect to fall instantly in love and that he will become the most important person in the world to us. Everyone tells me you can't imagine how wonderful it is and that I will just have to "experience" it to know. Kinda like I've been telling my daughter about parenthood. It is hard to really tell someone how it changes you and you really do have to experience it! I'll be sleeping w/the phone next to my side of the bed for the next few weeks.
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