Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Live Traffic Feed and Followers

Two apps that I have elected to add to my blog page are Live Traffic feed which shows "where" someone hitting on my blog comes from and how they got there. Via or from another blog that links mine or someone who follows and has my blog as one of their favorites etc. It's interesting to look at and gives one an idea of where atleast someone might be reading your blog from. I can tell who "some" are some of the time, others I have no idea. Surely Wildthings is a draw but must also be a disappointment when it fails the wild part.
Followers are those that have taken the time to let me know they read my blog. I appreciate them for I may still do it without them but it's nice to know someone
is interested however mundane the blog may be. If you are a follower but not listed as such.......take a minute and identify yourself as such. You can even do it under open ID and u don't even have to add a picture. As Dave would say become a "peep" and make my day.

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