Valentine's weekend for us means our annual progressive dinner. Mark and I were added to this neighborhood group (Bella Vista) some 12 years ago when someone moved away. We enjoy it and look forward to it each year. There are 5 couples and 5 courses and it takes about 5 hours to devour them. We move from house to house and consume much wine along w/the wonderful food. Over the years we have had themes like "New Orleans", "Michigan", "French", and one year it was "Pimps and Hoes" ....the pictures were worth a thousand words. If you've never done a progressive try getting friends/neighbors to participate. Everyone's house gets super clean for one night. All the best dishes and silverware come out. Cookbooks and the internet gets searched for just the right receipe. Great care is taken in preparing your "course". And best of all you all just enjoy the good company along with the great food! Try it, you'll like it!
It is fun! I remember when we kids did one too after seeing you guys do them! If only all of our friends lived in a closer proximity we might be able to try it!
That sounds great!
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