Sunday, June 19, 2011


I've often thought about the hereafter I've grown up hearing about.  Unfortunately no one has come back from there to really tell me what its like.  I just finished a book in which the main character was killed and she continues to narrate from the beyond.  Sure, its just fiction but I sure like her version of it.  Two things stuck with me particularly...."the dead truly talk to us, that in the air between the living, spirits bob and weave and laugh with us.  They are the oxygen we breathe."  What a thought!  I'd like to believe that.
In this wide, wide heaven you get your simplest desires but also the most humble and grand.  Kind of whatever would be "heaven" to you.  I'm thinking all of this seems a bit better than harps and clouds and fields of flowers which for me would get old quickly.  I always like to learn something from the books I read.
From this one I've learned that there are OTHER possibilities.


lindsay said...

Not sure what I believe, but just don't spy on me too much when you're dead. I do lots of embarrassing stuff! :)

wildmary said...

I was going to comment on the book's idea of heaven and what I thought about it but when I read Lindsay's comment I was laughing so hard I forgot what I was going to say!!