Monday, January 4, 2010

Latin warmth


Meet Cecelia and Eddie Heffron from Guatemala. They are the children of Tom and Patty Heffron, Mark's cousin.
Yesterday we attended the annual Heffron holiday reunion and we were reaquainted with these two delightful
children as they were here for the holidays with Tom's side of the family and aren't always here for the reunion.
What struck me is how openly loving they are. Touching and hugging is the norm for them even if they don't know you really well. Eddie is 13 and when Patty reintroduced us he immediately put his arms around me and hugged me and didn't pull away right away even. I experienced this with my friend Von's grandson as well from Puerto Rico. They are warm
and loving people who aren't afraid to express themselves. We could learn something from them.
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wildmary said...

I got the same impression when they were here last year. Warm and loving kids and very polite and smart. Delightful!

Dave said...

That's interesting. I have always noticed that the culture here in the US requires a very large "personal space" and we tend to feel uncomfortable if people get close to us. In Europe and South American countries that space is much smaller and everyone hugs and kisses when they meet. I wonder if that is part of it. Would be good if we had more of that here.