I'm not a professional or even an expert designer. I do have strong feelings
about design though. I feel a room should evoke a feeling of some sort whether
it be quiet and serene or bright and happy or just a comfy welcoming feeling.
Thought should be given to just what you'd like it to convey to yourselves and
others who might share it in some way. This room (partial) was one I recently saw
and it certainly speaks to me and I think it would to anyone walking into it that
loves everything about the water. It's not complicated or overdone but gets it's
point across. Now I just have to figure out.... is Dave's lens big enough to
capture "this" next week?
I would like all my rooms to invoke a feeling of just being clean...preferably by someone else...
I can live with "just being clean" especially w/little ones around....preferable part is nice too if you can afford it!
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