It's that time of year again when we are blessed with this three week event. Ahhhh, I love living here in the fall and enjoy each moment of ARTPRIZE. Here are a few of my favorites so far this year. The first one "Song of Lift" is hard to capture as it is a sensory packed piece. It starts out (by putting a quarter in a slot) slowly with a few birds flying and adds slowly with classical music playing and lights alternating to a full flight and moving light show. It treats 3 senses delightfully and is hands down my favorite venue this year. The 2nd and 3rd are graphite drawings by a young artist that is so whimsical and truly delightful you just want to stand and stare at this piece that fills a full wall in the art museum forever. The 4th and last in this post is a series of horses set in the Grand River made of found pieces of wood that is mesmerzing to behold and in just the perfect spot to show it's unique properties. There are so many wonderful things to take in it is almost sensory overload. I will
add more as it goes on.
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