The last 9 days and counting I've had the flu. Not the respitory type but an equally insiduous, gut wrenching, bone aching, headsplitting type. I have never craved so much ice water and panic at the thought I might be able to get it. The first 4-5 days there was no question of being anything but lateral. Did not answer phone (I apologize) and from there after I could move but would have preferred an amigo so much did my bones ache with each step. On top of all that I get my yearly visit from herpes simplex (always on my nose) and the conditions were ripe for a truly huge one that not only went from nose to lip but up the nose too.
Yes folks, these last days have been just awful. Paralleling me almost day to day has been my son-in-law Dave with pneumonia and in ICU for a week. Just came home yesterday and faces a recovery as well. I'm thinking maybe in another 9 or 10 days I might feel like human being again.
wow -- I didn;t know you had the flu also...? was it the 'regular' or the swine? did you get a shot this year?
who know what kind? didn't see a doc......not respitory type is all I can tell you. Worst I've EVER had. No shot, none around. Would not have saved me from this one anyways
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