Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wonder of a Weekend

We've just dropped our much adored Jersey contingent at the airport. We had a wonder of a long weekend with all three of them and enjoyed each and every minute of it. We packed in all sorts of great memories.........from visits to Papa's work to watching Matt start breaking down walls in his home to open up space to a movie to a trip on the "pumpkin" train to dinner out at a great place downtown and a dessert with Eric, Kelly and Luna and another visit to the Childrens Museum just to mention a few things we packed in. Some of the best were just some of the quieter moments of reading, snuggling and watching the growth and gentleness that is our grandson Dylan.
He loves unabashedly all in his "little" world. We're just lucky to be two of those people. We're so proud of the little boy you are!
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tomorrow's visit

Can't wait............tomorrow our sweet grandson comes for a long weekend visit.  Along with his first "boo boo" bandage.  We've got the lionel train set up and ready as well as a reservation on the fall pumpkin train ride in nearby Coopersville where they have a halloween theme and a hour and a half ride on a real train.  Promises to be a fun time for our little guy!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cleanest Garage on the Cul de Sac

Last weekend I decided to paint the garage. Instead of re-upping on the white I decided to go with light blue for a fresh, clean and bright look. When I got done it looked so good I decided to add baseboard molding all around and now it looks almost like another room~~~I even brought stuff up from our storage room and put it up above the cabinets. Hummmmmmmmmmm, do they have a Parade of Garages?
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Sunday, October 9, 2011

On the half shell

I go out in the garage after dinner tonite to throw something away. My next door neighbor hears me and calls me over to join them for oysters fresh from Florida. He just got back today driving through with them on ice as well as fresh shrimp. As full as we were we managed to find room for a few and they were great. What fun and I didn't have to shuck them either :)
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Friday, October 7, 2011

Fall on the Course

This week has been in my opinion, perfect weather. Making the fall colors a joy to behold and morning and afternoon walks so enjoyable.
I love all four seasons and find each of them beautiful but there is something special about the fall. Get out and enjoy it!
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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Time to go soon

Looks like it's time to head south soon.............they are starting to gather!
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dylan's new hat

This is Dylan's new hat! He is one stylin guy...............
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The end of Artprize for 2011 for me

Today was my last visit to the venues of Artprize.  Here are a few of today's faves but there were more.  What a wonderful event Artprize is to those of us who love and appreciate art.  There were some things that did not fit into the "art" category for me and some even made the top 10 (the sprayed copper guys : ( ) but overall it is still an amazing experience that we whom live in this great city of Grand Rapids should appreciate.
I anticipate it each year and enjoy each and every visit.  Today the weather was picture perfect.  I had my
ipod plugged into my ears and I parked far enough away to make it a nice walk though Heritage Hill enroute both ways.  Man, it doesn't get any better for me.