Friday, October 22, 2010

Morning light

Like my Father before me, I am a morning person. I know this about myself and over the years have come to relish it.
I can remember my Dad calling up to us "Up and at 'um kiddies!" every school morning with great enthusiam. While
others may feel like burrowing deeper under the covers and are reluctant to leave last night's slumber, I can't wait to
get out of bed and sometimes have to will myself to stay there just a little longer. For me the morning is the promise of
something new. What? Who knows..........and that for me is just the point.
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1 comment:

wildmary said...

I wish I could say the same! I love the morning and cherish the wee hours when I am awake, but my body highly resists the break from sleep to waking. I think it's biological. See