Thursday, June 18, 2009

Family resemblances


Pretty much all your life you are told you look like..........

A lot of the time you fail to see the why's and where of's this might be coming from.
The person you are supposed to resemble fails to see it a lot of the time too.
It must all be in the eye of the beholder. For me, I'm supposed to look like my Grandma
Anzalone (according to my Mom) and others think I look like my Mom. Myself, I have my
Nana's eyes and my Mom's nose and mouth and face shape. My niece, Renata, is often told
she looks like me and she does but definately gets her coloring and freckles from her own

In the end we are all uniquely ourselves.
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1 comment:

lindsay said...

Something about your eyes looks like your Nana's.